计算机科学 ›› 2017, Vol. 44 ›› Issue (5): 199-205.doi: 10.11896/j.issn.1002-137X.2017.05.036

• 人工智能 • 上一篇    下一篇



  1. 山西大学计算机与信息技术学院 太原030006,山西大学计算机与信息技术学院 太原030006;计算机智能与中文信息处理教育部重点实验室 太原030006
  • 出版日期:2018-11-13 发布日期:2018-11-13
  • 基金资助:

Granular Structure Reduction Approach to Multigranulation Decision-theoretic Rough Sets

SANG Yan-li and QIAN Yu-hua   

  • Online:2018-11-13 Published:2018-11-13

摘要: 多粒度决策粗糙集模型是一种泛化的多粒度粗糙集模型,该模型结合决策粗糙集数据分析理论和多粒度思想,实现了在多个粒空间进行决策粗糙集理论的建模。在此基础上,利用贝叶斯决策理论具体分析了在多粒度粗糙集模型中乐观和悲观的融合策略下多个粒空间中的概率融合关系,推导出基于最大条件概率和最小条件概率的粗糙集近似表示,进而构建了乐观多粒度决策粗糙集模型和悲观多粒度决策粗糙集模型。在该模型中引入近似分布约简的概念,分析了多个粒空间中的粒度选择问题。基于多粒度近似分布质量定义了多粒度决策粗糙集的粒度重要度,并且基于此给出了悲观和乐观融合策略α-下近似分布约简的粒度约简算法。通过实例验证了该算法的有效性。

关键词: 多粒度决策粗糙集,贝叶斯决策理论,α-下近似分布约简,粒度约简,近似分布质量

Abstract: Multigranulation decision-theoretic rough set method (MG-DTRS) is a generalization of multigranulation rough set model through combining the decision-theoretic rough sets theory and the multigranulation idea,which is a data modeling method on decision-theoretic rough sets in the context of multiple granular spaces.Further,based on Baye-sian decision theory,we made a concrete analysis about probability fusion relations used optimistic or pessimistic fusion strategies on multiple granular spaces,also,the approximate representation of the maximum conditional probability rough sets and the minimum conditional probability rough sets were proposed respectively.And then the optimistic MG-DTRS model and the pessimistic MG-DTRS model were constructed.Furthermore,a concept of the approximate distribution reduction was introduced to MG-DTRS model,and the granular structure selection problem under multiple granular spaces was investigated.Based on the multiple granular approximate distribution quality proposed in this mo-del,the important measure of a granular structure was defined,and an α-lower approximate distribution reduction algorithm to obtain a granular structure reduction was designed under optimistic or pessimistic fusion strategies respectively.Finally,an example was employed for verifying the validity of the proposed algorithm.

Key words: Multigranulation decision-theoretic rough sets,Bayesian decision theory,α-lower approximate distribution reduction,Granular structure reduction,Approximate distribution quality

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