Computer Science ›› 2016, Vol. 43 ›› Issue (8): 216-222.doi: 10.11896/j.issn.1002-137X.2016.08.044

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Incremental Algorithm for Constructing Fuzzy Concept Lattices Based on Attributes Decrement

WANG Li-ming, JIANG Qin and ZHANG Zhuo   

  • Online:2018-12-01 Published:2018-12-01

Abstract: Constructing fuzzy lattices directly is always with an exponential time complexity currently.With the increase of the set of truth values L,the size of fuzzy concept lattice becomes larger and larger.This paper proposed an algorithm called FMBUAD.A new fuzzy concept lattice can be gotten by removing the membership degree of deleting attributes which become redundant and useless in original concepts,without reconstructing the fuzzy concept lattice from scratch and considering the set of truth values.We proved the correctness of FMBUAD based on the theoretical basis of fuzzy concept lattices.In order to update the original fuzzy concept lattice with the deleting attributes,FMBUAD removes the membership degree of deleting attributes of all concepts firstly.Secondly,it visits the fuzzy lattice to identify all of the nodes which have to be deleted.Finally,the algorithm has to deal with the partial order between the deleted nodes’s parents and children.The theory and experimental results show that FMBUAD has excellent performance for saving time.

Key words: Fuzzy concept lattice,Deleting attributes,Membership degree,Breadth first search,Incremental construction

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