Computer Science ›› 2017, Vol. 44 ›› Issue (3): 70-72.doi: 10.11896/j.issn.1002-137X.2017.03.017

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Routing Algorithm Research on Heterogeneous Network on Chip

FANG Juan, LIU Shi-jian and LIU Si-tong   

  • Online:2018-11-13 Published:2018-11-13

Abstract: With the fast development of integrated circuits,the traditional buffered NoC,due to the increase of chip area overhead and energy consumption from the buffer,have made the bufferless routing technology receive widespread attention.By eliminating the buffer,the whole process of the pipeline is greatly simplified,performance is improved.But when the network load is very large,the data packets are repeatedly deflected or misrouted,causing the increase of the whole network latency,and system robustness is poor.According to the diversity of network running’s applications,heterogeneous networks as a relatively flexible network structure can effectively reduce the transmission latency and improve the system performance.In this paper,a new type of heterogeneous NoC which is combined with the bufferless NoC and the buffered NoC was mainly designed,and it matches the static routing algorithm and adaptive routing algorithm (AFC) for packet transmission.At the same time,a kind of optimized algorithm AFC-LP based on AFC was proposed,through the second arbitration for bufferless routing to further reduce the average latency of communication and improve the network performance.The result of experiments shows that comparing to the traditional buffered order X-Y routing algorithm,the proposed AFC_LP algorithm reduces the average of network latency by 28.4%,and improves the instructions per cycle (IPC) by 10.4%.

Key words: Heterogeneous network on chip,Bufferless routing,Routing algorithms

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