Computer Science ›› 2017, Vol. 44 ›› Issue (7): 244-250.doi: 10.11896/j.issn.1002-137X.2017.07.043

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Incremental Attribute Reduction Algorithm Based on Binary Discernibility Matrix in Incomplete Information System

DING Mian-wei, ZHANG Teng-fei and MA Fu-min   

  • Online:2018-11-13 Published:2018-11-13

Abstract: Incremental attribute reduction algorithm in incomplete information system is one of the important research contents in the area of data mining.For getting the attribute reduction incrementally,the tolerance class needs to be computed.For the purpose of speeding up the tolerance class calculation,an improved static algorithm with rapidityand stability is developed firstly,followed by a novel incremental algorithm,which can update the tolerance class rapidly when a new object is coming.On the basis of the obtained tolerance class and combined with the intuitive and easy of binary matrix,an incremental attribute reduction algorithm based on binary matrix in incomplete information system by updating the binary matrix was proposed.The validity of these algorithms was demonstrated by the simulation and experimental results.

Key words: Incomplete information system,Incremental,Tolerance class,Attribute reduction

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