Computer Science ›› 2017, Vol. 44 ›› Issue (8): 1-8.doi: 10.11896/j.issn.1002-137X.2017.08.001

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Research on Domain-specific Question Answering System Oriented Natural Language Understanding:A Survey

WANG Dong-sheng, WANG Wei-min, WANG Shi, FU Jian-hui and ZHU Feng   

  • Online:2018-11-13 Published:2018-11-13

Abstract: Natural language understanding (NLU) in the last decade has made considerable progress in the line of domain-independent research.Such research is very important,but the gap between research results and real-world applications is large,and the strong realistic demand is in contradiction with the current processing capacity of the NLU community,which makes the development of domain-specific NLU technologies very necessary.We firstly compared open domain and domain specific question answering(QA) system.Then some typical natural language understanding technologies used in restricted domain question answering system were detailedly analyzed.The evaluation standard of the natural language understanding technology for domain-specific question answering system was introduced.At last,main problems and the future development of domain specific QA system were summarized.

Key words: Domain-specific,Question answering system,NLU,Evaluation

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