Computer Science ›› 2020, Vol. 47 ›› Issue (9): 275-282.doi: 10.11896/jsjkx.190900125

Special Issue: Information Security

• Information Security • Previous Articles     Next Articles

Comprehensive Review of Secure Electronic Voting Schemes

PU Hong-quan1,2,3, CUI Zhe1,2, LIU Ting1,2,3,RAO Jin-tao1,2   

  1. 1 Chengdu Institute of Computer Applications,Chinese Academy of Sciences,Chengdu 610041,China
    2 University of Chinese Academy of Sciences,Beijing 100049,China
    3 Guangxi Key Laboratory of Hybrid Computation and IC Design Analysis,Nanning 530006,China
  • Received:2019-09-18 Published:2020-09-10
  • About author:PU Hong-quan,born in 1990,Ph.D.His main research interests include electronic voting and information security.
    CUI Zhe,born in 1970,Ph.D,professor,doctoral supervisor.His main research intersts include pattern recognition and information security.
  • Supported by:
    National Natural Science Foundation of China (61501064),Sichuan Technology Support Program (2015GZ0088) and Guangxi Key Laboratory of Hybrid Computation and IC Design Analysis (HCIC201701).

Abstract: In recent years,electronic voting has been highly concerned because it can greatly improve the efficiency of voting activities and the accuracy of the results.The security problem has been the bottleneck of the development of electronic voting.Many researchers put forward relevant electronic voting schemes for a certain application function scenario.Combined with the academic research status of electronic voting,this paper analyzes the types,models and security requirements of electronic voting in detail,summarizes and analyzes four types of typical electronic voting schemes by combining blind signature,secret sharing and other related cryptography technologies,then introduces the mature electronic voting system,and finally this paper studies the possible development direction of electronic voting in the future,which provides reference for further optimization and improvement of electronic voting schemes.

Key words: Blind signature, Cryptography technology, Electronic voting, Secret sharing, Security requirements

CLC Number: 

  • TP309.2
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