Computer Science ›› 2015, Vol. 42 ›› Issue (Z11): 10-15.

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Research on Temporal and Spatial Distribution of Literatures and Knowledge Dissemination Based on Heat Transfer Science

ZHAO Zhi-yuan, ZHENG Yan-ning, ZHAO Xiao-yuan and JIA Ya-min   

  • Online:2018-11-14 Published:2018-11-14

Abstract: This paper introduced the theory and research method in heat transfer science and established the model of the temporal and spatial distribution of literatures and knowledge dissemination.And based on the theory of heat transfer science,we made the innovation research in the year,heat degree,transmission model,attenuation or aging,the ability of influence,research field,research content,and industry division.Then,this paper proposed a series of new concepts,which are literature heat degree,amount of literature heat degree accumulation,amount of literature heat flow,literature thermal diffusion coefficients and so on.Furthermore,we used the heat diffusion,energy conservation and other point of view in heat transfer science to research literature distribution,capability of knowledge dissemination,the analysis and judgment of life cycle.And finally,we carried out CTI empirical study.

Key words: Temporal and spatial distribution of literatures,Knowledge dissemination,Heat transfer science,Mathematical modeling,MATLAB,CTI

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