Computer Science ›› 2016, Vol. 43 ›› Issue (7): 62-66.doi: 10.11896/j.issn.1002-137X.2016.07.010

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Video Topic Evolution Analysis Based on Clustering

XIE Yu-xiang, LUAN Xi-dao, GUO Yan-ming, LI Chen and NIU Xiao   

  • Online:2018-12-01 Published:2018-12-01

Abstract: Video topic evolution analysis is contributive to the discovery of valuable pattern from massive video data.In this paper,a video topic evolution analysis method based on clustering was proposed.Firstly,the paper discussed how to analyze the visual similarity between video key frames based on bipartite graphs.Secondly,we proposed a clustering method by applying link analysis to the clustering of video topics so that the relationship between the same video topics and the otherness among different video topics could be enhanced.Thirdly,we revealed the evolution procedure of video topics.Finally,some experiments were carried out to prove the effectiveness of the proposed method.

Key words: Video topics,Clustering,Link analysis,Evolution procedure

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