Computer Science ›› 2018, Vol. 45 ›› Issue (3): 58-62.doi: 10.11896/j.issn.1002-137X.2018.03.009

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Illumination Parameter Estimation of Outdoor Scene Using Chromaticity Consistency

ZHANG Rui, HAN Hui-jian, LIANG Xiu-xia, FANG Jing and ZHANG Cai-ming   

  • Online:2018-03-15 Published:2018-11-13

Abstract: For the outdoor scene images shot in the same solar azimuth under different weather conditions,this paper proposed an algorithm to estimate the illumination parameters using the chromaticity consistency.In this algorithm,based on the basis image decomposition,the chromaticity consistency is used to solve the illumination parameters of outdoor scenes.And then,according to the illumination chromaticity correction model,the illumination parameters are optimized.The experimental results show that the algorithm is effective and correct,and can accurately reconstruct the origi-nal image according to the base images and the illumination parameters,so as to realize the seamless integration between the virtual object and the real scene.

Key words: Illumination estimation,Chromaticity consistency,Chromaticity correction model,Basis images

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