Computer Science ›› 2019, Vol. 46 ›› Issue (7): 195-205.doi: 10.11896/j.issn.1002-137X.2019.07.030

• Artificial Intelligence • Previous Articles     Next Articles

Knowledge Forgetting in Multi-agent Modal Logic System KD45n

WEN Xi-ming1,2,FANG Liang-da2,3,YU Quan2,4,CHANG Liang2,WANG Ju2   

  1. (Department of Information Science,Guangdong Institute of Public Administration,Guangzhou 510053,China)1
    (Guangxi Key Laboratory of Trusted Software(Guilin University of Electronic Technology),Guilin,Guangxi 541004,China)2
    (Department of Computer Science,Jinan University,Guangzhou 510632,China)3
    (School of Mathematics and Statistics,Qiannan Normal College for Nationalities,Duyun,Guizhou 558000,China)4
  • Received:2018-07-09 Online:2019-07-15 Published:2019-07-15

Abstract: Forgetting plays an important role in knowledge representation and reasoning.It has been extensively studied in many logics and been widely applied to various fields.Modal logic is suitable for representing and reasoning about the knowledge of agents.With the development of the research on multi-agent systems,the investigation on knowledge forgetting in multi-agent modal logics begins to attract attention.However,knowledge forgetting has different properties in different multi-agent modal logic systems,and it cannot be effectively computed in most cases.Therefore,it is necessary to make further investigation on the knowledge forgetting in the multi-agent modal logic system KD45n.Firstly,the knowledge forgetting in the multi-agent modal logic was defined based on model theory.Then,the main properties of knowledge forgetting in KD45n were analyzed.Finally,an effective algorithm to compute knowledge forgetting in KD45n was provided.The computing algorithm adopts the idea of knowledge compilation which is an approach for addressing the intractability of a number of artificial intelligence problems.The alternating cover disjunctive formula is introduced.By compiling the general formula into alternating cover disjunctive formula,knowledge forgetting in KD45n can be effectively computed.The time complexity is double-exponential in the length of the original formula,but polynomial in the length of the compiled one.Compared with the current non-elementary one,the algorithm is more effective and more practical.The results of research show that knowledge forgetting in KD45n satisfies many important properties and can be effectively computed.

Key words: Knowledge compilation, Knowledge forgetting, Multi-agent modal logic, Reasoning about knowledge

CLC Number: 

  • TP181
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