计算机科学 ›› 2015, Vol. 42 ›› Issue (Z11): 479-485.

• 软件工程与数据库技术 • 上一篇    下一篇



  1. 三峡大学计算机与信息学院 宜昌443002,武汉大学计算机学院 武汉430072,武汉大学计算机学院 武汉430072,武汉大学计算机学院 武汉430072
  • 出版日期:2018-11-14 发布日期:2018-11-14
  • 基金资助:

MFI Based Interoperability Measurement of Business Models in Enterprises

LI Zhao, ZHAO Yi, LIANG Peng and HE Ke-qing   

  • Online:2018-11-14 Published:2018-11-14

摘要: 业界存在多种企业业务模型,模型的定义、描述、结构、功能及支持工具通常存在差异,这些差异导致业务模型间的部分语义互操作存在较大困难。绝大部分企业业务模型都能够通过4个维度(Role,Goal,Process,Service)来描述,因此,一个企业业务模型实际上是一个具体的RGPS模型,依此提出企业业务模型互操作能力度量方法。首先基于互操作性元模型框架MFI构建RGPS互操作性特征框架,再将特征框架定义为RGPS模型互操作性特征集;其次对业务模型特征所属类型与所具有的性质进行分析,定义数学方法,并基于互操作性特征集对模型特征进行标识与量化,得到模型实例;再次通过数据相似性算法计算模型实例间的相似性,得出RGPS模型集中任意两个模型间的互操作能力值,从而构建RGPS模型集的互操作能力度量矩阵;最后,采用该方法对不同领域间典型的企业业务模型互操作能力进行度量,分析并讨论度量结果,从而在一定程度上验证了互操作能力度量方法能促进并引导不同领域企业业务模型的有效协作。

关键词: 企业业务模型,互操作能力度量,MFI,不同领域

Abstract: Various business models of enterprise exist and are currently used in industry,whilst their definitions,structures,functions,and supporting tools are quite different from each other.For interoperability,the partial semantic interoperability between heterogeneous business models is challenging to achieve.Almost all of the enterprise business models can be described from the four major dimensions:Role,Goal,Process,Service(RGPS),consequently in this paper,an enterprise business model is actually a specific RGPS model.An approach for measuring the interoperability of business models in enterprises was proposed.At first,the RGPS interoperability features framework was constructed based on Meta-model Framework of Interoperability(MFI),and it was specified to be the interoperability features set of RGPS models.Secondly,the interoperability features set and a mathematical method were proposed to identify and quantify a RGPS model and its interoperability features,and then the model instance of the RGPS model was produced.Next,we calculated the similarity between two model instances,and obtained the measuring results of interoperability between corresponding RGPS models,which is used to build the interoperability measurement matrix of RGPS models set.At last,the approach was applied to quantify the interoperability of typical business models in the enterprises belonging to different domains,which facilitates and guides the collaborative interoperability of the business models in different domains.

Key words: Enterprises business models,Interoperability measurement,MFI,Different domains

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