计算机科学 ›› 2018, Vol. 45 ›› Issue (6A): 174-178.

• 模式识别与图像处理 • 上一篇    下一篇



  1. 重庆邮电大学移通学院计算机科学系 重庆401520
  • 出版日期:2018-06-20 发布日期:2018-08-03
  • 作者简介:霍敏霞(1983-),女,硕士生,讲师,主要研究方向为软件测试、图像处理,E-mail:hmx2971@126.com;薛博桓(1993-),男,主要研究方向为即时定位与地图构建。

Research on Splicing Recovery of Broken Files Based on Intelligent Algorithms

UO Min-xia,XUE Bo-huan   

  1. Department of Computer Science,College of Mobile Telecommunication,Chongqing University of Posts and Telecommunications,Chongqing 401520,China
  • Online:2018-06-20 Published:2018-08-03

摘要: 破碎文件的拼接在司法物证复原、历史文献修复以及军事情报获取等领域都有着重要的应用。随着科技的发展,破碎文件的自动拼接技术以及拼接复原效率是目前研究的热点问题。对于单一方向的破碎文件,文中采用0-1匹配、Pearson相关系数的灰度匹配,针对破碎文件的长短、多少,以及中英文等情况建立了两种模型;对于横切和纵切方向的破碎文件,采用聚类分析和灰度匹配建立模型并进行相应处理,从而实现对这些破碎文件的全自动或半自动拼接复原。

关键词: 0-1匹配, 灰度匹配, 聚类分析, 拼接复原, 破碎文件

Abstract: The technique of the splicing of broken files in the areas of recovering judicial evidence and historical documents and acquiring military intelligence has an important application.With the development of science and technology,the technique of automatic splicing for broken files is now a hot researching spot.As for unidirectional broken files,the technique in this paper was to build two kind of models based on the length and size of broken files and the condition of the usage of English and Chinese,with matching 0-1 and Pearson related coefficient gray matching.As for broken files in transverse direction or longitudinal direction,the technique in this paper was to build models and perform relevant processing,with the way of cluster analysis and gray matching to realize the full-automatic and semi-automatic recovery of those broken files.

Key words: 0-1 matching, Broken files, Clustering analysis, Gray matching, Splicing recovery


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