Computer Science ›› 2017, Vol. 44 ›› Issue (11): 33-40.doi: 10.11896/j.issn.1002-137X.2017.11.006

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Cloud Operating System for Cloudware

WANG Wei, HU Chang-wu, GUO Dong, ZHANG Jing-xuan, CHANG Jin-da and ZHANG Li-qing   

  • Online:2018-12-01 Published:2018-12-01

Abstract: The rise of cloud computing and the Internet not only bring change on the data center,but also lead to transformation in software development,deployment,operation and maintenance.With the continuous improvement of the current cloud computing and the Internet environment,how to make better use of cloud computing platforms,and how to serve the end users in the field of computer software are big challenges.In recent years,with the further development of concepts like micro-services and containers,software will further step forward to the Cloudware.This paper defined the concept of Cloudware paradigm,and discussed how to deploy Cloudware in cloud environment.Then,we proposed a new cloud operation system called GalaxyOS which can directly deploy software on the cloud without any modification,while achieving a new model by the browser services.By using micro-service architecture,we can achieve such characteristics as good performance,scalable deployment,faults tolerance and flexible configuration.Finally,we evaluated Ga-laxyOS by proposing a user experience oriented framework and carrying out an interactive delay experiment that directly focuses on users’ experience,and verified the effectiveness of our platform.

Key words: Cloud computing,Cloudware,Cloud OS,User experience

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