Computer Science ›› 2015, Vol. 42 ›› Issue (12): 92-94.

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Design and Implementation of RFID-based Campus Navigation System

CUI Jin-qi and TAO Xian-ping   

  • Online:2018-11-14 Published:2018-11-14

Abstract: With the development of GIS technology,LBS technology,mobile Internet technology and other core techno-logies,personal navigation system that serves the general public has become a hot application.Indoor walking guide is one core of personal navigation system and the indoor positioning technology involved is always one of research difficulties.Based on the fixed RFID tag group,this paper generated an indoor location map,combined portable mobile RFID readers and smart mobile phones and completed the indoor positioning,path computation and navigation warning.Based on the design scheme above,this paper completed a navigation system of campus of Nanjing University based on RFID,and we have put it into practice.

Key words: RFID technology,GIS technology,Indoor positioning,Path computation,Application of mobile Internet

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