Computer Science ›› 2011, Vol. 38 ›› Issue (5): 279-282.

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Extracting Methods of Primitive Shapes and Boundary Curves from Scattered Point Set

LIU Guang-shuai,LI Bai-lin,HE Chao-ming   

  • Online:2018-11-16 Published:2018-11-16

Abstract: A huge scattered point data includes all kinds of scanning artifacts including noise,outliers,holes and irregular/anisotropic sampling. Most common surface reconstruction methods fail due to these shortcomings. This poses challenges to recovering datasets topology and retrieving features. In order to solve this problem, a robust and efficient reconstruction method was proposed. First, computed local properties for each data point, then used this information to detect simple primitive shapes in the data, at last, described a novel method to extract and optimize boundary curves on the primitive shapes and Employed the reconstructed boundary curves to extract a piccewise smooth surface mesh. The experimental results show the effectiveness of our method with reconstructions of synthetic datasets and real-scenes datasets.

Key words: Scattered point data, Primitive shapes, Boundary curves, Feature points, Multi-resolution analysis, Statistics optumzation

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