Computer Science ›› 2017, Vol. 44 ›› Issue (5): 61-65.doi: 10.11896/j.issn.1002-137X.2017.05.011

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Dynamic Path Planning Design of Mobile Sink for Single Region Bursty Traffic

WAN Cheng, CHANG Jie and ZHANG Ling   

  • Online:2018-11-13 Published:2018-11-13

Abstract: In a wireless sensor network which sensor nodes collect the whole network data periodically,the bursty data traffic need to be sent to base station correctly in short time if a region generates some.At the same time,we must take the regular data of other regions into consideration.This paper proposed a dynamic path planning for mobile Sink algorithm.First at all,the network is divided into square virtual grids and each grid is a cluster,dividing every singal node to a grid and selecting the cluster head.Secondly,a mobile Sink is used to collect data through the shortest path which is established by related TSP algorithm.Finally,mobile Sink will change the path dynamically to collect data when there is a bursty data traffic in any region.After lots of simulation in NS-2 simulation platform,it shows that the proposed algorithm can change the path of mobile Sink dynamically to collect the bursty data traffic correctly as soon as possible,ba-lance accuracy,real time of bursty data traffic and packet loss rate,delay of periodic reginal data flow,and prolong the network lifetime as well.

Key words: Wireless sensor network,Bursty data traffic,Mobile Sink,Path planning

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