计算机科学 ›› 2012, Vol. 39 ›› Issue (Z6): 187-189.

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  1. (咸宁供电公司 咸宁 437100)
  • 出版日期:2018-11-16 发布日期:2018-11-16

Equipment Simulation Model Based on SNMP and Component Assembly Technology

  • Online:2018-11-16 Published:2018-11-16

摘要: 基于SNMP协议及构件组装技术,构建网络设备的仿真模型来反映真实设备的运行状况。运用SNMP协议可以获取或设置设备的运行状态,比如获取设备CPU、内存及电源的运行状态;运用构件组装技术可以把网络设备的构件组装成一个整体的可视化仿真模型。网络设备的构件包括引擎板构件、业务板构件、电源构件及风扇构件等,这些构件的运行依赖于SNMP协议。网络设备仿真模型的建立提高了网络管理人员的工作效率,网络管理人员对仿真模型的操作相当于对真实设备进行操作。

关键词: SNMP协议,构件,构件组装,网络设备,仿真模型,可视化

Abstract: Based on SNMP protocol and component assembly technology, building network equipment simulation model to reflect the true operational status of ectuipment_ We can get or set the device operating status with the SNMP protocol, such as to get running status of CPU, memory and power supply. We can get an overall visual simulation model by the use of component assembly technology to assemble the network devices components, network ectuipment components including the engine board, business board,power and fan components, etc. hhe operation of these components de- pends on SNMP protocol. The simulation model of network ectuipment can improve the network management efficiency.The operation on simulation model is equivalent to operate the true equipment.

Key words: SNMP protocal, Component, Component assembly, Network equipment, Simulation model, Visual

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