计算机科学 ›› 2018, Vol. 45 ›› Issue (11A): 511-517.

• 软件工程与数据库技术 • 上一篇    下一篇


傅妤婧, 张俊, 王毅恒   

  1. 大连海事大学 辽宁 大连116000
  • 出版日期:2019-02-26 发布日期:2019-02-26
  • 通讯作者: 傅妤婧(1992-),女,硕士生,主要研究方向为时态数据库理论与应用,E-mail:824437084@qq.com
  • 作者简介:张 俊(1971-),男,博士,教授,主要研究方向为数据库理论与技术、数据库信息检索、智能信息处理和语义网;王毅恒(1993-),男,硕士生,主要研究方向为时态数据库理论与应用。

Research on Temporal Entity Dependencies Relation and Measurement Method

FU Yu-jing, ZHANG Jun, WANG Yi-heng   

  1. Dalian Maritime University,Dalian,Liaoning 116000,China
  • Online:2019-02-26 Published:2019-02-26

摘要: 实体间存在各种各样的依赖关系,尤其是在软件开发过程中,软件实体间的依赖关系对软件的变更影响分析以及风险分析等都具有重大影响。依赖图作为最常用的依赖关系表示方法,其节点与边的定义与属性计算不尽相同,且大部分方法中并没有考虑到节点与边的时态属性。针对时态实体依赖图,文中系统地提出了时态实体依赖关系的形式化定义并分析了其特性,然后分析了时态实体依赖图的节点中心性、节点重要性、节点依赖度和边的重要性等4个度量指标,同时,针对MAVEN数据集分析了上述各个指标随时间变化的规律。

关键词: 度量, 时态实体依赖图, 依赖关系

Abstract: All kinds of dependencies exist among entities.Especially in the process of software development,the depen-dencies between software entities has a big impact on the impact analysis of software and risk analysis.Dependency graph is the most commonly used dependency representation method,the definition of nodes and edges is different from attribute comptation,while the temporal properties of nodes and edges are seldom taken into account in existing depen-dency graph methods.This paper presented formal definition and analysis of temporal characteristics of temporal depen-dencies,and also analyzed the importance of four measures including node center,node importance,node dependency and edge importance.Finally,test dataset was extracted form MAVEN data,and experimental results showregulation of indictors varying with the time.

Key words: Dependency relation, Measurement, Temporal entity dependency graph


  • TP301
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