Computer Science ›› 2015, Vol. 42 ›› Issue (1): 47-49.doi: 10.11896/j.issn.1002-137X.2015.01.010

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Queueing Network Based Performance Model for Multi-tiered Web Application with Consideration of Performance Interference among Virtual Machines

YANG Lei, DAI Yu, ZHANG Bin and WANG Hao   

  • Online:2018-11-14 Published:2018-11-14

Abstract: Performance analysis for multi-tiered application is one of the important factors to achieve dynamic resource allocation and management,and insure the better performance of the application.Traditional performance models assume the availability of dedicated hardware for the application and neglect the effect caused by logic resource.With the deve-lopment of cloud computing,hardware resources can be virtualized as virtual resource to provide service which can support the performance insurance of the multi-tiered application effectively.Then,how to take the performance interfe-rence between virtual machines and the logic resource into consideration becomes a key issue when building the perfor-mance model for a multi-tiered application.For this,this paper built a performance model for multi-tiered application based on queuing network.This model extends the current performance model with a drop queue to support concurrent connection limit.With the consideration of the performance interference between virtual machines,this paper presented the parameter solving method of the proposed performance model.The experiments show the better performance of the performance model.

Key words: Performance analysis,Performance interference among virtual machine,Multi-tiered application

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