Computer Science ›› 2020, Vol. 47 ›› Issue (3): 5-10.doi: 10.11896/jsjkx.190500148
Special Issue: Intelligent Software Engineering
• Intelligent Software Engineering • Previous Articles Next Articles
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[1] | LE Qiao-yi, LIU Jian-xun, SUN Xiao-ping, ZHANG Xiang-ping. Survey of Research Progress of Code Clone Detection [J]. Computer Science, 2021, 48(11A): 509-522. |
[2] | OUYANG Peng, LU Lu, ZHANG Fan-long, QIU Shao-jian. Cross-project Clone Consistency Prediction via Transfer Learning and Oversampling Technology [J]. Computer Science, 2020, 47(9): 10-16. |
[3] | SHE Rong-rong, ZHANG Li-ping. Method for Identifying and Recommending Reconstructed Clones Based on Software Evolution History [J]. Computer Science, 2019, 46(8): 224-232. |
[4] | LIU Dong-rui, LIU Dong-sheng, ZHANG Li-ping, HOU Min and WANG Chun-hui. Prediction of Code Clone Quality Based on Bayesian Network [J]. Computer Science, 2017, 44(4): 165-168. |
[5] | DONG Jia-xing and XU Chang. Efficient Clone Detection Technique for Functionally Similar Programs [J]. Computer Science, 2017, 44(4): 12-15. |
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