Computer Science ›› 2013, Vol. 40 ›› Issue (6): 172-177.

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RM-LCDF:A Recovery Method for Block-level Continuous Data Protection

WANG Chao,LI Zhan-huai,LIU Hai-long and ZHANG Xiao-fang   

  • Online:2018-11-16 Published:2018-11-16

Abstract: Block-level continuous data protection has become an important data protection technology for modern data storage systems.It can restore data to any point in time and support reliable storage.The high availability of computeri-zed data has a raise requirement on the data recovery efficiency,but basic data recovery method for block-level continuous data protection is low.This paper presented a recovery method on the basis of the localized and continuous distribution features (RM-LCDF) for block-level continuous data protection.RM-LCDF reforms the basic data recovery method via three aspects:(1)Invalid write requests elimination,(2)Multi-buffer,and (3)Logical block address sorting.Both mathematical analysis and experiments show preliminarily that RM-LCDF can significantly reduce recovery data,improve I/O parallelism and I/O throughput,and thus improve the recovery efficiency.

Key words: Continuous data protection (CDP),Data recovery,Block-level data,Availability,Storage system

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