Computer Science ›› 2015, Vol. 42 ›› Issue (8): 190-193.

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Research on Independence Rekey Model for Group Key Management

ZHOU Jian and SUN Li-yan   

  • Online:2018-11-14 Published:2018-11-14

Abstract: In group key management,much time is expended in rekeying due to non update members taking part in rekeying to distribute key material.To solve the problem,a novel independence rekeying model was presented,and then an independence group key management was designed based on bilinear pairing and shared production of threshold cryptography,which meets key independence and all non update members don’t participate in rekeying for key joining/lea-ving operation.The fresh public encryption key cannot break the validity of secret decryption keys belonging to non update members.Therefore,the rekeying delay time and computation cost of proposed scheme are reduced efficiently.It also meets the independence rekeying model logically,moreover the scheme is suitable to wireless networks whose time delay and computation are limited strictly.

Key words: Group key management,Rekeying,Key independence,Rekeying time delay

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