Computer Science ›› 2015, Vol. 42 ›› Issue (Z11): 381-385.

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Method for Data Storing Based on Coding Vector Encryption in WSNs

ZHANG Wei, SHI Xing-yan and CUI Mao-qi   

  • Online:2018-11-14 Published:2018-11-14

Abstract: With the development of wireless sensor networks (WSNs),an effective solution was provided by WSNs in precision agriculture production environmental monitor fields.Considering the WSNs shortages in agricultural production,especially in data transmission security and storage efficiency,this paper firstly summaried the main features of the agricultural WSNs and analyzed the good results to introduce cloud computing storage techniques.Then,the lower convergence of sensing data transmission process was approved by the scientific analysis to show importance for limited bandwidth with optimizaed network coding technique.Finally,with the help of coding vector encryption in WSNs,a new method for secure storage of sensor data information of agricaltural WSNs based on coding vector encryption was proposed.All the field testing results show that the method is rational and practical,and it can achieve a high encryption security based on network coding and a significant enhancement in the data transmission process.

Key words: Precision agriculture,Wireless sensor networks,Cloud storage,Coding vector encryption

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