Computer Science ›› 2020, Vol. 47 ›› Issue (2): 143-149.doi: 10.11896/jsjkx.190400121

• Computer Graphics & Multimedia • Previous Articles     Next Articles

Fast Simple Linear Iterative Clustering for Image Superpixel Algorithm

LEI Tao1,LIAN Qian2,JIA Xiao-hong2,LIU Peng2   

  1. (School of Electronic Information and Artificial Intelligence Engineering,Shaanxi University of Science and Technology,Xi’an 710021,China)1;
    (School of Electrical and Control Engineering,Shaanxi University of Science and Technology,Xi’an 710021,China)2
  • Received:2019-04-22 Online:2020-02-15 Published:2020-03-18
  • About author:LEI Tao,born in 1981,Ph.D,professor,Ph.D supervisor,is member of CCF.His main research interests include image processing,pattern recognition and machine learning.
  • Supported by:
    This work was supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (61871259, 61811530325, 61461025, 61672333, 61873155).

Abstract: Simple linear iterative clustering (SLIC) takes a long time in the process of superpixel clustering.To address this drawback,this paper proposed a fast SLIC algorithm for image superpixel.Firstly,the algorithm removes the pixels that are clearly different from the clustering center in a superpixel area,and then uses the remaining pixels to update the clustering center.The operation ensures that the clustering center achieves convergence quickly,and prevents error propagation.Secondly,the edge pi-xels of each superpixel area are considered as active pixels while the non-edge pixels are considered as stable pixels that belong to one fixed class by initializing grids on the original image.Finally,fast superpixel image segmentation is achieved by labeling unstable pixels iteratively.This paper performed six comparative algorithms and the proposed algorithm on the Benchmark BSD500 under the environment of MATLAB.Compared with SLIC algorithm,the segmentation error rate of the proposed algorithm is reduced by 5%,the segmentation accuracy is improved by 0.5%,and the running time is 0.18s less than the later.The experimental results show that the proposed algorithm can improve the quality of superpixel segmentation while effectively reducing the computational complexity of the algorithm compared to popular superpixel algorithms.

Key words: Clustering, Image segmentation, SLIC, Superpixels

CLC Number: 

  • TP391
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