Computer Science ›› 2020, Vol. 47 ›› Issue (11A): 28-34.doi: 10.11896/jsjkx.191100114

• Artificial Intelligence • Previous Articles     Next Articles

Context-based Emotional Word Vector Hybrid Model

HUO Dan1, ZHANG Sheng-jie2, WAN Lu-jun1   

  1. 1 Air Force Engineering University,Xi'an 710048,China
    2 School of Computer Science and Engineering,Xi'an University of Technology,Xi'an 710048,China
  • Online:2020-11-15 Published:2020-11-17
  • About author:HUO Dan,born in 1990,M.S.,lecturer.Her main research interests include natural language processing and so on.
    ZHANG Sheng-jie,born in 1986,master,engineer.His main research inte-rests include big data processing and content security.
  • Supported by:
    This work was supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (61703452) and Research Plan of the National Natural Science and Development of Shaanxi Province,China (2016JQ6062).

Abstract: Most of the existing learning methods based on word vectors can only model the syntactic context of words,but ignore the emotional information of words.This paper proposes a context-based training model of emotional word vectors,and uses a rela-tively simple method to construct a learning framework of emotional word vectors.A fusion method is proposed to obtain the emotion information of the extended mixed model in the sentence polarity and the context-based word vectors.So as to solve the problem that words with similar contexts but opposite emotional polarity are mapped to adjacent word vectors.the adjacent words in the emotion vector space are semantically similar and have the same emotion polarity.In order to verify that the learned emotion word vector model can accurately contain the semantic information of emotion and context words,the emotion word vector is trained in different languages and data sets of different fields,and quantitative experiments are conducted at the word level.The results show that the classification effect of the proposed model is 14 percent higher than that of the traditional model.In the experiment of emotion classification at the word level,the accuracy is improved by 10 percentage points compared with the traditional word bag model.It also plays a guiding role for product providers to get useful information in a large number of user reviews.

Key words: Natural language processing, Neural networks, Semantic information, Sentiment classification, Word embeddings

CLC Number: 

  • TP389.1
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