计算机科学 ›› 2022, Vol. 49 ›› Issue (6A): 447-461.doi: 10.11896/jsjkx.210600214

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傅丽玉, 陆歌皓, 吴义明, 罗娅玲   

  1. 云南大学软件学院 昆明 650000
  • 出版日期:2022-06-10 发布日期:2022-06-08
  • 通讯作者: 陆歌皓(glu@ynu.edu.cn)
  • 作者简介:(2276215853@qq.com)

Overview of Research and Development of Blockchain Technology

FU Li-yu, LU Ge-hao, WU Yi-ming, LUO Ya-ling   

  1. Software College,Yunnan University,Kunming 650000,China
  • Online:2022-06-10 Published:2022-06-08
  • About author:FU Li-yu,born in 1997,postgraduate.Her main research interests include blockchain and distrbuted system.
    LU Ge-hao,born in 1977,double master.His main research interests include blockchain and software engineering.

摘要: 区块链被称为下一代的价值互联网,是一种去中心化新兴加密货币的基础系统架构。自2008年中本聪提出区块链一词以来,区块链因其本身的不可篡改、可溯源、去中心化等特性而逐渐受到人们的广泛关注,其中的两个典型代表为比特币区块链系统和以太坊区块链系统。但是在目前已有的文献资料中,大多是将已有的区块链技术应用到实际生活中,而对区块链的底层的实现介绍较为模糊,应将区块链从实际的应用中抽离出来,并通过比特币区块链系统和以太坊区块链系统的设计思想及其关键技术来了解区块链的工作原理。文中主要从区块链设计的密码学原理、共识算法、数据存储结构等方面来详细介绍区块链技术的基础架构,并针对比特币白皮书和以太坊黄皮书中较模糊的概念进行了补充,从而为后面的读者提供更加深入的研究参考。最后,介绍了区块链目前的应用现状和展望。

关键词: 比特币, 分布式共识, 工作量证明, 区块链, 区块链应用, 权益证明, 智能合约

Abstract: Blockchain is called the next-generation Internet of Value,which is a basic system architecture for emerging decentra-lized cryptocurrencies.Since Satoshi Nakamoto proposed the term blockchain in 2008,it has gradually received widespread attention due to its immutability,traceability,and decentralization features.Two of the representatives are the Bitcoin block Chain system and Ethereum blockchain system.However,in the current literatures,most of the existing blockchain technology is applied to real life while the introduction of the underlying implementation of the blockchain is relatively vague.To this end,the blockchain should be separated from the actual one,and the working of the blockchain can be understood through the design ideas and key technologies of the Bitcoin blockchain system and the Ethereum blockchain system.The article mainly introduces the infrastructure of blockchain technology including the cryptographic principles,consensus algorithms,data storage structure and other aspects.Further the supplements about ambiguous concepts in the Bitcoin white paper and the Ethereum yellow paper are presented as well,which can provide more deeply research for readers later.Finally,the current application status and prospects of blockchain are discussed.

Key words: Bitcoin, Blockchain, Blockchain applications, Distributed consensus, Proof of stake, Proof of work, Smart contracts


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