Computer Science ›› 2019, Vol. 46 ›› Issue (3): 63-73.doi: 10.11896/j.issn.1002-137X.2019.03.008

• Surveys • Previous Articles     Next Articles

Review on Development of Convolutional Neural Network and Its Application in Computer Vision

CHEN Chao, QI Feng   

  1. (School of Management Science and Engineering,Shandong Normal University,Jinan 250000,China)
  • Received:2018-03-05 Revised:2018-06-27 Online:2019-03-15 Published:2019-03-22

Abstract: In recent years,deep learning has achieved a series of remarkable research results in various fields such as computer vision,speech recognition,natural language processing and medical image processing.In different types of deep neural networks,convolution neural network has obtained most extensive study,not only reflecting the prosperity in aca-demic field,but also making a tremendous realistic impact and commercial value on the related industries.With the rapidgrowth of annotation sample data sets and the drastic improvement of GPU performance,related researches on convolutional neural networks are rapidly developed and have achieved remarkable results in various tasks in the field of computer vision.This paper reviewed the history of convolution neural network firstly.Then it introduced the basic structure of convolutional neural network and the function of each component.Next,it described the improvements of convolution neural network in convolution layer,pooling layer and activation functionin detail.Also,it summarized typical neural network architectures since 1998(such as AlexNet,ZF-Net,VGGNet,GoogLeNet,ResNet,DenseNet,DPN and SENet).In the field of computer vision,this paper emphatically introducedthe latest research progresses of convolution neural network in image classification / localization,target detection,target segmentation,target tracking,behavior re-cognition and image super-resolution reconstruction.Finally,it summarized the problems and challenges to be solvedabout convolutional neural network.

Key words: Artificial intelligence, Computer vision, Convolution neural network, Deep learning

CLC Number: 

  • TP183
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